Harold P. Boas

Math 171
Section 505
Calculus I
Fall 2023

Course Information

Course Data

Instructor Details

Course Description

This course is the first semester of a calculus sequence intended primarily for majors in the College of Arts & Sciences. Topics include functions of one variable, limits, derivatives, applications of derivatives, the mean-value theorem, antiderivatives, the definition of the Riemann integral, the fundamental theorem of calculus, and an introduction to the calculus of vector-valued functions and parametric curves.

Only one of the following courses will satisfy the requirements for a degree: Math 131, Math 142, Math 147, Math 151, Math 171. (These courses are not mutually equivalent, but they have too much overlap for more than one to count toward a degree.)

Course Prerequisite

The prerequisite is Math 150 (or the equivalent) or an acceptable score on the Math Placement Exam.

Special Course Designation

Math 171 is a Core Curriculum course in Mathematics. The Undergraduate Catalog states:

Courses in this category focus on quantitative literacy in logic, patterns, and relationships. Courses involve the understanding of key mathematical concepts and the application of appropriate quantitative tools to everyday experiences. The following skills will be addressed in the courses that comprise this area: critical thinking, communication, and empirical and quantitative.

Since this course emphasizes problem solving in mathematics, the core objectives of critical thinking, empirical and quantitative skills, and written communication will be addressed on examinations and quizzes throughout the semester. Visual communication will be demonstrated through the creation and interpretation of graphs of functions. Students will meet the core objective of oral communication through class participation and by explaining a mathematical topic in a recording.

Course Learning Outcomes

By the end of the course, you will be able to


The textbook is Calculus 1 by Philip B. Yasskin, et al., freely available online to registered students. (You may need to log in with your NetID.)

Grading Policy

Course letter grades are assigned using the standard scale (60% is passing, 70% or higher earns a C, 80% or higher earns a B, 90% or higher earns an A).

The categories contributing to the course grade have the following weights.

Course Schedule

The following schedule is subject to revision if circumstances change.

Week 1, starting August 22.
Chapter 5, vectors.
Week 2, starting August 29.
Chapters 6 and 7, limits and continuity.
Week 3, starting September 5.
Chapters 8 and 9, applications of limits and the precise notion of limit.
Week 4, starting September 12.
Chapters 10 and 11, derivatives and differentiation rules and tangent lines.
Week 5, starting September 19.
Review. Exam 1 takes place on Thursday, September 21.
Week 6, starting September 26.
Chapters 12 and 13, linear approximation and chain rule and implicit differentiation.
Week 7, starting October 3.
Chapters 14 and 15, inverse functions and higher-order derivatives.
Week 8, starting October 11.
(Fall Break is October 9-10.) Chapter 16, parametric curves.
Week 9, starting October 17.
Chapters 17 and 18, indeterminate forms and related rates.
Week 10, starting October 24.
Review. Exam 2 takes place on Thursday, October 26.
Week 11, starting October 31.
Chapters 19 and 20, understanding graphs and extreme-value problems.
Week 12, starting November 7.
Chapters 21 and 22, antiderivatives and integrals.
Week 13, starting November 14.
Chapters 23 and 24, integration by substitution and applications of integration.
Week 14, starting November 21.
Review. November 22 is a Reading Day, and November 23 is Thanksgiving Day.
Week 15, starting November 28.
Exam 3 takes place on Tuesday, November 28. The rest of the week is review for the final exam (which takes place 1:00-3:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 12).

Additional Information

Math Learning Center

Help for many mathematics courses is available at the Math Learning Center. There are drop-in help sessions and tutoring by appointment. The Virtual Math Learning Center hosts an archive of tutorial videos.

Writing Center

The University Writing Center contributed the following paragraph.

The University Writing Center (UWC) is here to help you develop and refine the communication skills important to your success in college and beyond. The UWC provides this help in a welcoming atmosphere that respects all Aggies’ backgrounds and abilities. Our trained peer consultants are available to work with you on any kind of writing or speaking project, including research papers, lab reports, application essays, or creative writing, and at any stage of your process, whether you’re deciding on a topic or reviewing your final draft. You can also get help with public speaking, presentations, and group projects. We can work with you in person at our Evans or BLCC locations or via Zoom or email. To schedule an appointment or to view our handouts, videos, or interactive learning modules, visit writingcenter.tamu.edu. If you have questions, need help making an appointment, or encounter difficulty accessing our services, call 979-458-1455 or email uwc@tamu.edu.


For general academic support, check out the list of resources at StudyHub, sponsored by the Academic Success Center.

Technology Support

University Policies

This section contains university-level policies. The TAMU Faculty Senate established the wording of these policies.

Attendance Policy

The university views class attendance and participation as an individual student responsibility. Students are expected to attend class and to complete all assignments.

Please refer to Student Rule 7 in its entirety for information about excused absences, including definitions, and related documentation and timelines.

Makeup Work Policy

Students will be excused from attending class on the day of a graded activity or when attendance contributes to a student’s grade, for the reasons stated in Student Rule 7, or other reason deemed appropriate by the instructor.

Please refer to Student Rule 7 in its entirety for information about makeup work, including definitions, and related documentation and timelines.

“Absences related to Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 may necessitate a period of more than 30 days for make-up work, and the timeframe for make-up work should be agreed upon by the student and instructor” (Student Rule 7, Section 7.4.1).

“The instructor is under no obligation to provide an opportunity for the student to make up work missed because of an unexcused absence” (Student Rule 7, Section 7.4.2).

Students who request an excused absence are expected to uphold the Aggie Honor Code and Student Conduct Code (Student Rule 24).

Academic Integrity Statement and Policy

“An Aggie does not lie, cheat or steal, or tolerate those who do.”

“Texas A&M University students are responsible for authenticating all work submitted to an instructor. If asked, students must be able to produce proof that the item submitted is indeed the work of that student. Students must keep appropriate records at all times. The inability to authenticate one’s work, should the instructor request it, may be sufficient grounds to initiate an academic misconduct case” (Section, Student Rule 20).

You can learn more about the Aggie Honor System Office Rules and Procedures, academic integrity, and your rights and responsibilities at aggiehonor.tamu.edu.

Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Policy

Texas A&M University is committed to providing equitable access to learning opportunities for all students. If you experience barriers to your education due to a disability or think you may have a disability, please contact Disability Resources office. Disabilities may include, but are not limited to, attentional, learning, mental health, sensory, physical, or chronic health conditions. All students are encouraged to discuss their disability-related needs with Disability Resources and their instructors as soon as possible.

Disability Resources is located in the Student Services Building or at (979) 845-1637 or visit disability.tamu.edu.

Title IX and Statement on Limits to Confidentiality

Texas A&M University is committed to fostering a learning environment that is safe and productive for all. University policies and federal and state laws prohibit gender-based discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, sexual exploitation, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

With the exception of some medical and mental health providers, all university employees (including full and part-time faculty, staff, paid graduate assistants, student workers, etc.) are Mandatory Reporters and must report to the Title IX Office if the employee experiences, observes, or becomes aware of an incident that meets the following conditions (see University Rule 08.01.01.M1):

Mandatory Reporters must file a report regardless of how the information comes to their attention — including but not limited to face-to-face conversations, a written class assignment or paper, class discussion, email, text, or social media post. Although Mandatory Reporters must file a report, in most instances, a person who is subjected to the alleged conduct will be able to control how the report is handled, including whether or not to pursue a formal investigation. The University’s goal is to make sure you are aware of the range of options available to you and to ensure access to the resources you need.

Students wishing to discuss concerns in a confidential setting are encouraged to make an appointment with Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS).

Students can learn more about filing a report, accessing supportive resources, and navigating the Title IX investigation and resolution process on the University’s Title IX webpage.

Statement on Mental Health and Wellness

Texas A&M University recognizes that mental health and wellness are critical factors that influence a student’s academic success and overall wellbeing. Students are encouraged to engage in proper self-care by utilizing available resources and services available from Counseling & Psychological Services (CAPS). Students who need someone to talk to can call the TAMU Helpline (979-845-2700) from 4:00 p.m. to 8:00 a.m. weekdays and 24 hours on weekends. Emergency help is also available 24 hours through the national 988 Suicide & Crisis Lifeline or at https://988lifeline.org.