This course covers the elements of logic, set theory, number theory, mathematical induction, functions, relations, operations, and combinatorics; and other topics in discrete mathematics as time permits. Beyond this subject matter, the goal of the course is to learn how to think like a mathematician and how to write proofs.
The required textbook is An Introduction to Abstract Mathematics by Robert J. Bond and William J. Keane, Brooks/Cole, 1999, ISBN 0-534-95050-7. The course covers chapters 1-5 plus further topics as time permits.
The official prerequisite for this course is Math 172 (second semester calculus) or its equivalent.
The course meets Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 1:50-2:40 P.M. The originally scheduled room was ZACH 227A, but the actual location (after the first meeting) is BLOC 624.
The home page for the course is /~harold.boas/courses/220-2003c/.
The instructor is Dr. Harold P. Boas. The email address is and the telephone number is (979) 845-7269. The instructor's office hours are held in 202 Milner Hall, Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 11:00-12:00; also by appointment.
There will be examinations on the following three Fridays: September 26, October 24, and November 21. The final examination is scheduled by the registrar for Tuesday, December 16, from 3:30-5:30. Each of the four examinations counts for 20% of the course grade. The remaining 20% of the course grade will be based on homework/classwork.