Revise and correct the homework that was not collected last class, and turn it in at the beginning of class today.
Ask questions.
Work on applications on heating and cooling and on Newtonian mechanics.
Work the following problems from Nagle & Saff, and hand in your solutions at the beginning of class on Thursday, February 12:
in section 3.3, pages 106-107, exercises 1, 5, 6, 10, 15;
in section 3.4, pages 114-115, exercises 7, 9, 13, 14, 18.
A major part of each solution is setting up the problem: what are the variables, what is the mathematical model, what is the initial value problem? Most of the differential equations that appear in these exercises are linear, so it is feasible to calculate the solutions by hand. However, the details can be cumbersome, so you may use Maple to do the computations if you wish.
Remember that the first examination is scheduled for Tuesday, February 17. You will need to bring a blue book to the examination.