Read sections 4.6-4.7, pages 182-191 of Nagle & Saff.
Work the following problems in Nagle & Saff and hand in your solutions at the beginning of class.
Section 4.4, pages 172-173, exercises 5, 6, 8, 9.
Section 4.5, page 180, exercises 6, 11, 19, 35.
Section 4.6, page 187, exercise 1.
Section 4.7, page 191, exercise 1.
Groups 5, 6, and 9: get organized for your project that is due on Thursday, March 5. Group 5 has project B on pages 143-144 of Nagle & Saff; group 6 has project C on pages 144-145; and group 9 has project F on pages 147-149.
Ask questions.
Work on homogeneous and nonhomogeneous second order differential equations with constant coefficients.
Read sections 4.8 and 4.9, pages 193-206, in Nagle & Saff.
Work the following problems from Nagle & Saff and hand in your solutions at the beginning of class on Tuesday, March 3.
Section 4.6, page 187, exercises 9, 17, 25, 29, 33, 37.
Section 4.7, pages 191-192, exercises 4, 5, 11, 14, 18
Section 4.8, page 200, exercise 7.
Groups 5, 6, and 9: work on your project that is due on Thursday, March 5.