Review the Chapter 4 summary on pages 225-228 of Nagle & Saff.
Work (by hand) the following review problems from the end of Chapter 4, page 229 of Nagle & Saff: 17, 21, 31, 37.
Work the following problems from Nagle & Saff. You may use Maple to assist with the calculations.
Section 5.3, page 259, exercises 1 and 7.
Section 5.4, page 266, exercise 3.
Section 5.5, page 274, exercise 3.
Read section 5.7, pages 287-297, in Nagle & Saff.
Ask questions.
Work on systems of differential equations.
Prepare for the second examination, which will be given on Thursday, April 2.
Purchase a blue book to bring to the examination.