Exercise on the definition of infinite products, Wednesday, January 20.
Introduction to Mittag-Leffler's theorem, Wednesday, January 27.
Exercise on Jensen's formula, Wednesday, February 10.
Exercise on the definition of order, Friday, February 12.
Exercise on order and series coefficients, Monday, February 15.
Introduction to analytic continuation, Wednesday, February 17.
Exercise on Riemann surfaces, Wednesday, February 24.
Exercise on Picard's theorems, Wednesday, March 3.
Exercise on Mergelyan's theorem, Monday, March 22.
Exercise on the proof of Runge's theorem, Wednesday, March 24.
Exercise on Alice Roth's Swiss cheese, Friday, March 26.
Exercise on the d-bar equation, Monday, March 29.
Exercise on the zeta function, Monday, April 19.
Final examination, Monday, May 10.