Up: Class 1, Math 696
Homework for Class 1
Of course, you may start on the homework during class if you
have time!
- Send the instructor email stating your name, your favorite
area of mathematics, and your hobbies.
- Use Maple to evaluate the integral that is given in LaTeX
code by $\int_0^\infty \frac{dx}{1+x^2}$. (You are supposed to
recall from calculus that the answer is $\pi/2$.) Can you get
Maple to give both the exact answer and a decimal value? Can you
get thirty decimal place accuracy? Print hard copy of your Maple
session (remember to put your name on it!) and turn it in at the
beginning of next class.
- Write a short (one or two pages) paper in LaTeX, addressed to
a high school audience, on the topic ``Why study mathematics?''
Turn in the formatted copy at the beginning of next class.
Up: Class 1, Math 696
Comments to Harold P.
Created Sep 2, 1996.
Last modified Sep 2, 1996.