Albert Boggess et al., CalcLabs with Maple V, Brooks/Cole, 1995. (QA303.5.C65 C35 1995)
Debra Cameron et al., Learning GNU Emacs, O'Reilly.
Leonard Gillman, Writing Mathematics Well: a Manual for Authors, Mathematical Association of America, 1987. (QA42 .G45 1987)
Daniel Gilly, UNIX in a Nutshell, O'Reilly.
Michel Goossens, Frank Mittelbach, and Alexander Samarin, The LaTeX Companion, Addison-Wesley, 1994. (Z253.4.L38 G66 1994)
K. M. Heal, M. L. Hansen, and K. M. Rickard, Maple V Learning Guide, Springer, 1996. (QA155.7.E4 H42 1996)
Donald Ervin Knuth, The TeXbook, Addison-Wesley, 1990. (Z253.4.T47 K58 1990b)
Leslie Lamport, LaTeX: A Document Preparation System, second edition, Addison-Wesley, 1994. (Z253.4.L38 L35 1994)
M. B. Monagan, K. O. Geddes, K. M. Heal, G. Labahn, and S. Vorkoetter, Maple V Programming Guide, Springer, 1996. (QA76.95.M363 1996)
Valerie Quercia, X Window System user's guide, O'Reilly.
Richard Stallman, GNU Emacs Manual, Free Software Foundation, 1993. (QA76.76.T49 S73 1993)
William Strunk, The Elements of Style, third edition, Macmillan, 1979. (PE1408 .S772 1979)
Grace Todino, Learning the UNIX Operating System, O'Reilly.
Stephen Wolfram, Mathematica: a System for Doing Mathematics by Computer, second edition, Addison-Wesley, 1991. (QA76.95 .W65 1991)
Comments to Harold P.
Created Sep 2, 1996.