Introduction to programming with MapleThe 3x+1 problemFractals


Here is an example of a somewhat more elaborate Maple procedure than the one in the section on the 3x+1 problem. It plots a fractal image constructed by the iterated function scheme discussed by Michael Barnsley in his 1993 book Fractals Everywhere. Thanks to Simon Rentzmann, who included an example similar to this in his class project for fall 1995. For other treatments of the fern, see (for example) the following web pages.

After the code is an explanation of what it does. (You can also look at analogous MATLAB code. Incidentally, there is a popular program Fractint to create fractals on PCs.) Try copying the code into your Maple worksheet with the mouse and executing the command fractal(100); to get 100 points of a fractal image. (The plot starts to look recognizable with about 400 points.)

local Mat1, Mat2, Mat3, Mat4, 
Vector1, Vector2, Vector3, Vector4,
Prob1, Prob2, Prob3, Prob4, 
P, prob, counter, fractalplot,
starttime, endtime;
writedata("fractaldata", [[P[1],P[2]]], [float,float]);
for counter from 1 to n do
  if prob<Prob1 then P:=evalm(Mat1&*P+Vector1)
    elif prob<Prob1+Prob2 then P:=evalm(Mat2&*P+Vector2)
      elif prob<Prob1+Prob2+Prob3 then P:=evalm(Mat3&*P+Vector3)
        else P:=evalm(Mat4&*P+Vector4);
writedata[APPEND]("fractaldata", [[P[1],P[2]]], [float,float]);
print(plot(fractalplot, style=point, scaling=constrained,
           axes=none, color=green, title=cat(n, " iterations")));
printf("Execution time was %a seconds.", endtime-starttime);

fractal fern The mathematics underlying this code is the following iteration scheme. Pick a vector in the plane and apply an affine transformation (multiply by a matrix and add some vector to the result). Plot the resulting point. Apply to the new point a possibly different affine transformation. Repeat. In the given example, there are four different affine transformations involved, and the one that is picked at a given step is randomized; each transformation has a specified probability of being chosen at any particular step.

The final plot is thus a set of points in the plane, and because of the randomness, a different set each time the procedure is executed. The surprise is that for a large number of iterations, the final picture always looks the same.

This particular example is a fractal fern, shown in the illustration for a large number (25,000) of iterations. Maple took about 17 minutes to compute this picture. The picture shown has the plot symbol changed to SYMBOL=point, which improves the image when many points are present.

Notice the self-similarity typical of fractals. Each leaf of the fern looks like a copy of the whole fern.

Now here is an explanation of what the Maple code does.

This line defines fractal to be the name of a procedure that takes one argument n.
local Mat1, Mat2, ...
This defines a number of variables that are local to the procedure. The same names could be used for other variables outside the procedure with no conflict.
The next section of code specifies values for some of the local variables. The variable Mat1 is a 2×2 matrix. The matrix function is part of the linear algebra package; it could be called by the name matrix instead of linalg[matrix] if we first loaded the package via with(linalg):. The next few lines of code set values for the other three matrices, for the four constant vectors in the affine transformations, for the probabilities of choosing each affine transformation, and for the initial point.
The first call to writedata creates a file named fractaldata if the file does not already exist. If the file does exist, the command initializes the file to contain only the data [0,0]. The subsequent call to writedata[APPEND] in the loop appends the two coordinates of the point P in floating point form to the disk file fractaldata. It would be possible instead to save the coordinates in a Maple array, but in my experience that does not work well; Maple seems to have trouble managing its memory for a large number of iterations.
The amount of computation time used so far in the Maple session is assigned to the local variable starttime. We will check the time again at the end of the procedure to find out how long the computation takes.
for counter from 1 to n do
This starts a loop that is terminated by od;.
Maple's rand function generates a pseudo-random 12-digit non-negative integer. Dividing by 1012 gives a random probability between 0 and 1.
if ... fi;
This section of code says to apply one of the four affine transformations to the point P, and then to relabel P as this new point. Which transformation is chosen depends on the value of the random probability determined above.
Here we read the data collected in the disk file and store the whole list in fractalplot.
print(plot(fractalplot, ...
Now we tell Maple to construct the plot of the data and to display the plot.
This command removes the disk file that held the accumulated data. Comment this line out if you would like to save the data, perhaps for processing by another program.
We check the elapsed time. The subsequent line prints the value.


Construct a Sierpinski triangle by a similar algorithm. Use three affine transformations with equal probabilities. Each transformation has the same matrix matrix([[0.5,0.0],[0.0,0.5]]);, but the vectors are [0,0], [0,10], and [10,10].

fractal triangle Your picture should look something like the figure. (Try your code first with a small number of iterations, to make sure that your program is working properly.)

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Introduction to programming with MapleThe 3x+1 problemFractals