Math 304 Linear Algebra

Section 502 Spring 2010

Boas's photo

Harold P. Boas
(979) 845–7269

This course, an introduction to linear algebra, is intended primarily for majors in the fields of engineering, computer science, and mathematics education. Topics include systems of linear equations, matrices, determinants, vector spaces, linear transformations, orthogonality, and eigenvalues.

Linear Algebra with Applications, seventh edition, by Steven J. Leon, ISBN 978-0-13-185785-8. The course covers most of Chapters 1–5 and the first three sections of Chapter 6.
Math 152 (second-semester calculus).
Section 502 meets 9:35–10:50 on Tuesday and Thursday in BLOC 164.
Exams and grades
There will be exams in class on February 18 (Thursday) and on April 1 (Thursday). The final exam is scheduled for 12:30–14:30 on May 7 (Friday). Each of the three exams counts for 25% of the course grade. Homework counts for the remaining 25% of the course grade.
Office hours
15:00–16:00 on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday and 13:00–14:00 on Wednesday in Milner 202; also by appointment.
Help session
Check for information about help sessions.

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