About the journal for Math 436

A standing assignment for the semester is to keep a mathematical journal. The tool to use is inside the course site on eCampus. The following images show where to find the tool:
eCampus tools eCampus journals

The idea behind this assignment is that one of the university's Undergraduate Learning Outcomes is critical thinking. You are supposed to be reflecting on what you have learned and on how learning works. The journal is a mechanism to record your thoughts on both content and process.

Your journal entries might discuss what you understood or have not yet understood; a discovery you made on how to study more effectively; a question you want to answer; your thoughts about the significance of counterexamples; and so forth. The goal is to demonstrate that you have been thinking (and at a higher level, thinking about how you think).

Write whenever you have something to say, but at least two or three times a week.