Eighth Class (Wednesday 18 October 1995)

Today's Joke

In LaTeX, forgetting the backslash in front of the sine function creates a sin.

Goals to accomplish during class

  1. Know about good style for written presentations.
  2. Know how to customize computer tools.

Activity in the lecture room

Activity in the computer lab

Now that you have gained some experience with various computer tools, you may be wishing that these tools worked a little differently. Fortunately, most computer tools can be customized (within limits) to work the way you prefer. Today we will see how you can personalize your computer set-up: in computer-speak, how to "modify the defaults".

Customizing LaTeX page styles

Now that you have some experience with LaTeX, you may be wishing that you could overrule some of LaTeX's default design decisions. Perhaps you would like to change the size of the margins, for example. In principle, you have complete control in LaTeX over the appearance of the page. Before you get carried away with customizing the visual design, read Leslie Lamport's warning from the LaTeX manual, page 91:

Before changing your document's style, remember that many authors make elementary errors when they try to design their own documents. The only way to avoid these errors is by consulting a trained typographic designer or reading about typographic design. All I can do here is warn you against the very common mistake of making lines that are too wide to read easily---a mistake you won't make if you follow this suggestion: Use lines that contain no more than 75 characters, including punctuation and spaces.

(Imagine how hard it would be to read a newspaper if the lines of text stretched across the whole page!)

LaTeX page style parameters

In order to change the page layout, you need to know how LaTeX views the printed page. For historical reasons, LaTeX considers the upper left-hand corner of the printed material on the page to be one inch over from the left-hand edge of the physical page and one inch down from the top edge of the physical page. There is a header (possibly empty) across the top of the printed page, a footer (possibly empty) across the bottom of the printed page, and the body of the text in between.

To change a LaTeX page-style parameter, you use the \setlength command in the preamble of your LaTeX source file. For example, if you want the body of the text to be 15 centimeters wide, you type \setlength{\textwidth}{15cm} in the preamble of your LaTeX source file. To get a feel for how this works, cut the following example out with your mouse, paste it into a text editor, save it as a file named alice.tex, and execute latex alice and xdvi alice & in a terminal window.



Alice was beginning to get very tired of
sitting by her sister on the bank, and of
having nothing to do: once or twice she had
peeped into the book her sister was reading,
but it had no pictures or conversations in
it, ``and what is the use of a book,''
thought Alice ``without pictures or

So she was considering in her own mind (as
well as she could, for the hot day made her
feel very sleepy and stupid), whether the
pleasure of making a daisy-chain would be
worth the trouble of getting up and picking
the daisies, when suddenly a White Rabbit
with pink eyes ran close by her.

There was nothing so \emph{very} remarkable
in that; nor did Alice think it so
\emph{very} much out of the way to hear the
Rabbit say to itself, ``Oh dear! Oh dear! I
shall be late!'' (when she thought it over
afterwards, it occurred to her that she ought
to have wondered at this, but at the time it
all seemed quite natural); but when the
Rabbit actually \emph{took a watch out of its
waistcoat-pocket}, and looked at it, and
then hurried on, Alice started to her feet,
for it flashed across her mind that she had
never before seen a rabbit with either a
waistcoat-pocket, or a watch to take out of
it, and burning with curiosity, she ran
across the field after it, and fortunately
was just in time to see it pop down a large
rabbit-hole under the hedge.


If you make the text width negative via \setlength{\textwidth}{-3in} what do you think will happen? Try it and see. What happens if you make the text width ridiculously big via \setlength{\textwidth}{100cm}?

Here are some other common LaTeX page-style parameters that you can adjust by using the \setlength command in the preamble of your source file.

This sets the height of the body (not including the header and footer).
These are respectively the amount of space at the top of the page (in addition to the default one inch) before the header; the height of the header; and the vertical distance between the header and the body. You can reduce the default one inch top margin by setting \topmargin to be negative.
This is the distance between the bottom of the body and the bottom of the footer.
This is the extra space (in addition to the default one inch) at the left-hand edge of the page. Setting it to be negative reduces the default one inch left margin. The reason for the funny name of this parameter is that LaTeX can optionally use a different page style for even-numbered and odd-numbered pages (commonly done in books). To accommodate this option, there is also an \evensidemargin parameter.

Here are three exercises to test your understanding of LaTeX's page-style parameters.

  1. Typeset the above passage from the beginning of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland so that the width of the text is 3 inches, and the text is centered horizontally on the (8 and 1/2 inch) page.
  2. If you type \setlength{\textwidth}{3in} \setlength{\textheight}{\textwidth} what happens? What if you type \setlength{\textheight}{\textwidth} \setlength{\textwidth}{3in} in the other order?
  3. If you type \setlength{\textwidth}{7.5cm} \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{8.5in} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-7.5cm} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.5\oddsidemargin} \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-1in} what is the result?

Maple's export to LaTeX feature

We saw previously how to convert a Maple worksheet to a LaTeX document. After using Maple's Export to LaTeX feature, you changed the top lines of the document to read something like


and then LaTeX would format the Maple input and output fields to look like they did in the Maple worksheet, and LaTeX would format the text fields in its usual way.

When you used this feature, you found that the page style changed. In particular, a header appeared that said "Maple V Release 3." Some less visible changes that Maple made to the page style are the following. (Here ex is a dimension that is font-dependent: it is approximately the height of the letter x in the current font.)


If you do not like Maple's choice of style, you could try to undo all Maple's changes to the default LaTeX style---but there is an easier way. If you change the \usepackage{maplems} line to \usepackage{mapleenv} then you should get the same formatting of Maple input and output regions but without the changes to the page style.

LaTeX headers and footers

The default LaTeX page style has an empty header and a footer containing the page number. If you put \pagestyle{empty} in the preamble of your source file, you get both an empty header and an empty footer. If you put \pagestyle{headings} you get an empty footer and a header containing the page number (and possibly some other information, depending on the document class). It is also possible to personalize the headers and footers, as we will see momentarily.

Since LaTeX is a public domain language, there is no toll-free telephone support line! However, the LaTeX community provides support to itself through the comp.text.tex newsgroup. Also, LaTeX users have written a large number of useful macro packages that are freely available through the Comprehensive TeX Archive Network (CTAN). Let's download Piet van Oostrum's fancyheadings package and use it to customize page headers and footers.

Use your Web browser to go to the CTAN-Web at jasper.ora.com. Click on the keyword link and use the search form to search on "fancyheadings". You will get back several hits. Since tex-archive/macros/latex209/contrib/fancyheadings looks promising, try clicking on that. You should see an entry that says

fancyheadings.sty   02Jun95  5860 bytes

Click on this entry and you will get a list of archive sites to choose from. The closest one to College Station is ftp.shsu.edu. You can either click on this entry and then use the Save As feature of your Web browser, or you can try holding down the Shift key while you click the left mouse button, which may pop up a Save As window automatically. Save the file as fancyheadings.sty in your home directory.

Now you've got a copy of the fancyheadings package. Let's try using it. Take the above example from Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and put the following code in the preamble. (Here \thepage makes LaTeX print the current page number, and \today makes LaTeX print today's date.)

\lhead{Your favorite color}
\chead{Your name}
\rhead{Your favorite dessert}
\lfoot{\bfseries An example}

As you will see when you run latex alice and xdvi alice &, the fancyheadings package makes three-part headers and footers. Any of the parts can be left empty. The thickness of the horizontal rules is adjustable; if you set the thickness to 0pt then the rule will not appear.

The fancyheadings package has some still fancier options. Grab the documentation fancyheadings.dvi from CTAN to find out more.

There are many more packages for LaTeX; see the LaTeX Companion.

Customizing Web browsers

If you use Netscape, click on "Options" on the menu bar. On the "Window and Link Styles" screen, click on the diamond for the font size you prefer. Then hold the left mouse button down on the "Window and Link Styles" bar and select "Cache and Network". You can click on "Clear Disk Cache Now" to empty the cache (if you are running out of disk space). Also, in the "Disk Cache" window you may want to set a low limit (or even zero) to keep Netscape from filling up your disk quota in the future. Then click on "OK". You need to click on "Options" once more and click on "Save Options" so that Netscape will remember your choices in the future.

If you use Mosaic, the only customization I recommend is to change the default font. You can change fonts interactively by clicking on "Options", then "Fonts". Or you can set the default font in your .Xdefaults file as described below .

Customizing the UNIX shell

When you issue commands in a terminal window, you are interacting with the computer through a shell program (by default, the C shell). For example, when you type the command ls, the shell interprets this as an instruction to display a list of your files.

You can customize the behavior of the shell by defining your own shorthand commands and by setting the values of shell variables. For example, you may be used to MS-DOS, where the command dir is used to display a directory listing. You can tell your shell to use the same command name by typing alias dir ls (this makes dir a synonym for ls).

Here are some other examples of commands you can use to customize your shell.

alias dir ls -l
This will make dir produce a directory listing in long format (including file permissions, file size, date of last modification).
set prompt="Your wish is my command: "
This changes the prompt from a percent sign to the phrase in quotes.
setenv XFILESEARCHPATH /usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults/x3270
This sets the environment variable XFILESEARCHPATH to the indicated value. You will need to do this on tam2000 to get x3270 to work there. Caution: if you already have this variable defined (try echo $XFILESEARCHPATH in a terminal window to see if you do), you may want to use something like setenv XFILESEARCHPATH ${XFILESEARCHPATH}:/usr/openwin/lib/app-defaults/x3270 to append the new path to the end of the old one.

It would be boring to type in these commands every time you open a terminal window, so UNIX provides an initialization file named .cshrc (note the initial dot) where you can record such customizations once and for all. You probably have a skeleton .cshrc file already. Set its permissions with the command chmod 600 ~/.cshrc in a terminal window. Load .cshrc into your text editor, append the commands you want, and save the file. (Changes will take effect the next time you open a terminal window, or you can make the changes take effect immediately by issuing the command source .cshrc.)

Here is another piece of code some people like to put in the .cshrc file. It sets the prompt to display the name of the current working directory.

  alias setprompt 'set prompt="${cwd}> "'
  alias cd 'chdir \!* && setprompt'

Customizing X-Windows

Setting resources

You can adjust the appearance of windows on your desktop by setting resources. You do this by entering the values you want in a file named .Xdefaults in your home directory. Typically you set the resources for each individual program. For example, here are some entries from my .Xdefaults file.

xterm*font: lucidasanstypewriter-18
xterm*boldFont: lucidasanstypewriter-bold-18
I like to use a large font in terminal windows. It's easier to read larger characters.
xterm*vt100*background: white
xterm*vt100*foreground: black
I like to read dark characters on a light background, rather than the reverse. Of course, if you want to be different, you could set the foreground to be red and the background to be green!
Mosaic*defaultFontChoice: Lucida Bright Large
This makes Mosaic wake up using a large font.
MapleV.queryOnExit: false
This makes Maple quit when I type Alt-X without prompting me for confirmation. Use at your own risk!
MapleV.geometry: 750x800
This sets the default size of the Maple window to 750 pixels by 800 pixels.
emacs.geometry: 80x35+120+35
This sets my emacs window to be 80 characters wide by 35 lines tall and positions the upper left-hand corner of the window 120 pixels from the left edge of the screen and 35 pixels from the top of the screen.
emacs.font: lucidasanstypewriter-bold-18
This sets the font in my emacs window to an 18 point bold font.

Copy any of these settings that you like into your text editor and use the "Save As" feature to write the settings into a file named .Xdefaults in your home directory. The settings will take effect the next time you log in, but you can make the settings take effect immediately by issuing the command xrdb -merge ~/.Xdefaults in a terminal window.

Special note to calclab users: To keep his life simple, the system administrator for the calclab machines has disabled the usual mechanism that reads the .Xdefaults file when you log in. However, if you feel that setting some resources would make your computing life more productive, go ahead and do it. On the calclab machines, you can get the system to read your .Xdefaults file at start-up by the following bit of chicanery. Use a text editor to make a file named .mapleinit containing the line

system(`test $DISPLAY && xrdb -merge $HOME/.Xdefaults`):

(cut it out with the mouse to avoid typing errors). Explanation: at start-up, the calclab machines open a Maple session, then Maple reads an initialization file named .mapleinit, and the above line tells Maple to call the operating system to load the .Xdefaults file.

You can usually find out the names and available settings for resources by reading the manual pages for a program. Type xman & in a terminal window to open a manual browser.

Customizing the start-up desk-top

You may want to personalize the applications that open up when you first log in. Perhaps you do not want a clock in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, or perhaps you would like a terminal window to open automatically when you log in. How you accomplish this depends on the computer system.

Homework for after class

  1. Rewrite (in LaTeX) the following excerpt from pages 34-35 of Kennan T. Smith's book Power Series from a Computational Point of View (Springer-Verlag, New York, 1987) to improve the style. (This example is not as glaringly bad as the ones we examined in class. What deficiencies do you see in it?)

  2. Here is a (not very practical) exercise on modifying LaTeX styles. Grab Donald Arseneau's shapepar package from CTAN, and use its \shapepar{\diamondshape}, \shapepar{\heartshape}, and \shapepar{\nutshape} commands to typeset the following. (You will probably have to tinker with the page layout to get the document on a single page: that is part of the exercise.)

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Harold P. Boas

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