A thesis package at Texas A&M UniversityLaTeX packagesExample: examination packagesA sampler of other packages

A sampler of other packages

How can you find LaTeX packages without being told where to look? There are several possibilities.

Exercise: Typesetting URLs

Locate and download Donald Arseneau's style file  url.sty. Use it to typeset a paragraph that describes your five favorite URLs.

Exercise: Watermarks

It is sometimes useful to put a background image on each page of a document. For example, you might mark preliminary versions of a memorandum with the word DRAFT in large letters. This is easy to do if you are using a PostScript printer.

Locate and download Juergen Vollmer's  draftcopy package, and install it by executing the command latex draftcopy.ins in a terminal window. Use the package to typeset a document in the style of the online example.

Exercise: Fanciful paragraph shapes

Locate the opening paragraphs of Alice's Adventures in Wonderland on the Internet, download Donald Arseneau's shapepar.sty from CTAN, and use that package together with fancyhdr.sty to reproduce the typesetting in the online example. Notice that the shapepar package was written for the now obsolete LaTeX version 2.09, so the documentation has references to the defunct command \documentstyle, which you should replace with \documentclass.

Exercise: Wrapping text around graphics

Another section shows how to insert graphics in a LaTeX document by using the standard graphics package. Several packages are available to flow text around included graphics: wrapfig, floatflt, and the older picins.

Locate and download one of these packages and use it to reproduce the typesetting in  the online example.

logo The Math 696 course pages were last modified April 5, 2005.
These pages are copyright © 1995-2005 by Harold P. Boas. All rights reserved.
A thesis package at Texas A&M UniversityLaTeX packagesExample: examination packagesA sampler of other packages