Comments on Appendices
Appendix A
- Page 620
- In the first line of the proof of Theorem A.4, the wording
“the identity \(0=a\cdot b\)” is confusing. The word
“identity” can be an abbreviation for either
“additive identity” or “multiplicative
identity”, or it can mean “an equation that is true
for all values of the variables”. The intent here, however,
seems to be “the equation \(0=a\cdot b\)”.
- In equation (1), the word “to” is in slanted
type for no apparent reason.
- Page 621
- In line 5, the verb “satisfies” should be
“satisfy”, since the subject “\(\mathbf{N}\)
and \(\mathbf{Z}\)” is plural.
- Page 622
- In the proof of Theorem A.9, line 4, the reference to
“Lemma A.8” should be to
“Theorem A.8”.
- In the next line, “belong to \(\mathbf{N}\)”
should say “belong to \(\mathbf{N}\cup\{0\}\)”.
- In lines 6 and 7 of the proof, the reference to
“Lemma A.8” should be to
“Lemma A.7”.
- The second-to-last sentence in the paragraph should say
“\(n+m \in\mathbf{Z}\)” rather than
“\(n-m\in\mathbf{Z}\)” because, under the current
hypothesis, the number \(m\) is a negative integer. The
sentence is completing the proof that \(n+m\in\mathbf{Z}\) for
all three cases of \(m\).
- The final sentence in the paragraph should then say,
“Similar arguments show that \(n-m\in\mathbf{Z}\) and
- In the proof of Theorem A.10, Step 1, there should be a
hypothesis that \(b>0\). [The statement of the theorem does say
“\(b\in(0,\infty)\)”, but this property is a
conclusion, not a hypothesis.]
- Page 623
- Step 2 should say a square root rather than
the square root. Of course the positive square
root is unique, but an additional (easy) argument is needed to
verify the uniqueness.
- Page 624
- In the first line of the proof of Theorem A.11, the
reference to “Theorem 1.11” should be to
“Theorem 1.23”.
Appendix B
- Page 628
- Two lines from the bottom of the page, the reference to
“Theorem B.2ii” should be to
“Theorem B.2iii”.
- Page 629, proof of Theorem B.4
- Contrary to the claim in the first line of the proof, it is a loss
of generality to assume that the angle \(\theta\) is
acute. Since the argument uses the geometry of acute triangles,
it is not evident a priori that the same method applies for
obtuse triangles (although an analogous argument actually does
- The argument for acute triangles is incorrect as written. The altitude
\(h\) cuts out two right triangles, one having \(a\)
and \(h\) as sides and one having \(c\) and \(h\) as sides. The
length \(d\) should be the base of the second right triangle, not (as
stated) the first triangle.
Appendix F
- Page 644
- Three lines from the bottom of the page, the quotation marks
around “parallel to” have styles that do not match. A
similar comment applies at line 4 on the next page.
Harold P. Boas