Comments on Chapter 4
- Page 99
- The last sentence in the first paragraph should be singular:
“The second derivative \(f^{(2)}\) (respectively,
\(y^{(2)}\)) is usually written as \(f''\) (respectively, \(y''\)),
and when it exists at some point \(a\), we shall say that \(f\) is
twice differentiable at \(a\).”
- Page 104
- The first sentence (part c of Exercise 4.1.0) is missing a
terminal period.
- In Exercise 4.1.1b, the unstated domain of \(f\) is, of
course, the nonnegative real numbers. In other words, you can
replace the restriction that \(a\ne 0\) by the restriction that
\(a\gt 0\).
- Page 108
- A terminal period is missing in Exercise 4.2.7a.
- In Exercise 4.2.8, notice that the two parts of the
question ask very different things. The first part asks about
differentiability on an interval in the sense of
Definition 4.6 on page 102, so you have to study a
one-sided limit at 0. The second part asks about
differentiability at a point in the sense of Definition 4.1
on page 98, so you have to study a two-sided limit
at 0.
- Page 110
- In the second paragraph, instead of invoking “a similar
proof”, one could reduce the case of a minimum to the case
of a maximum by passing to the function \(-f\).
- Page 111
- In the paragraph following the proof of Theorem 4.15, the
reference to “Remark 14.33” should be to
Remark 14.32.
- Page 112
- In the proof of Theorem 4.17, the claim that part ii follows “by part i”
is wrong, for part i is silent about what happens when the
derivative equals zero. But part ii follows by the
proof of part i. Namely, if \(f'\) is identically
zero, then
so \(f(x_2)=f(x_1)\), and since the points \(x_2\) and \(x_1\) are
arbitrary, the function \(f\) is indeed constant.
- In the proof of Theorem 4.18, the statement “By
symmetry” should come at the beginning, before \(c\) is
fixed, and it should really
say, “By symmetry, it suffices to prove
part ii”.
- In the second line from the bottom of the page, the
“i.e.” is inappropriate, for this abbreviation stands
for “that is”, but the phrases “nowhere
continuous” and “uncountably many points of
discontinuity” are not equivalent. Instead of
“i.e.”, either “thus” or “in
particular” would serve.
- Page 113, proof of Theorem 4.19
- The exposition is not consistent about whether the interval is closed \([a,b]\) or open \((a,b)\). The argument is cleaner if the open interval is used everywhere.
- In the second paragraph, the restriction in the definition of the
set \(A_j\) should be “\(x\in (a,b)\)” rather than
- In the third paragraph,
“in \([a,b]\)” should be
“in \((a,b)\)” to be compatible with the second paragraph. Moreover, it is not necessarily true that the supposed infinite set \(A_{j_0}\) can be exhibited as an increasing sequence \(x_1\lt x_2\lt \ldots\). (It might be a decreasing sequence.) What is true (which suffices for the proof) is that for every choice of a natural number \(n\), there are points \(x_1\), \(\ldots\), \(x_n\) in the set such that \(x_1\lt x_2\lt \ldots \lt x_n\).
- Page 113, proof of Example 4.20
- In the second line, “strictly increasing on
\((0,\infty)\)” should say “strictly increasing on
- Page 114, proof of Theorem 4.21
- In the second line of the proof,
“\(t\in[-1,\infty)\)” should be
- Page 115, Strategy for 4.23
- In the third sentence, “extrema” is plural, so the
matching verb should be “occur” (not
“occurs”). Moreover, it would be more precise to say “occur only where” rather than “occur where”.
- Page 116
- In Exercise 4.3.1, it is reasonable to assume known the derivatives of the sine, exponential, and logarithm functions. The derivative of the sine function is officially known from Exercise 4.2.9 on pages 108–109, but the derivatives of the logarithm and exponential are not officially known until later (Exercise 4.5.5 on pages 128–129).
- In the statement of Exercise 4.3.10,
the cited Exercise 4.1.8 defines local maximum but not
proper local maximum. The latter term is defined on
page 178 in the paragraph preceding Theorem 5.63.
- The hint (on page 650) for Exercise 4.3.11 states
that the exercise is the only one in the section having no
relation to the mean-value theorem, but Exercise 4.3.7 is a
second exercise in the same category.
- Section 4.4
- If you look at other sources, you may see
“l'Hôpital” spelled
“l'Hospital”. The letter “s” is silent.
- Page 118
- At the end of the proof, the property that \(x\ne c\) is
needed, but not in the clause where it appears. The property is
used only in the subsequent clause to guarantee that one can
divide by \(F'(c)\).
- Four lines from the bottom of the page, it is not
“the denominator” that “gets smaller”;
rather, the fraction \(1/(n+1)!\) gets small because the
denominator gets large.
- Three lines from the bottom of the page, it is not the case
“in general” that the approximation improves when
\(n\) gets large; rather, the improvement happens in special cases
when there is control on the size of the numerator
\(f^{(n+1)}(c)\). See Remark 7.41 on page 250 for an indication of
what can go wrong in general.
- Page 119
- In equation (18), the letter \(x\) is overloaded in
\(P_n^{e^x,0}(x)\). Using the notation that has been introduced,
one could write simply \(P_n(x)\) on the left-hand side. An analogous
comment applies to equation (19).
- Notice that there is no “right” answer to
Example 4.25c, for if a value of \(n\) works, then so does a
larger \(n\). Actually \( |e^x - P_n(x)|\lt 0.00005\) when
\(x\in[-1,1]\) if \(n\ge 7\), although to make the crude upper
bound \(3/(n+1)!\) less than \(0.00005\) requires taking \(n\) one
unit larger.
- In Example 4.26, if you notice that \(P_{2n+1} =
P_{2n+2}\), then you can improve the upper bound in part b to
\(1/(2n+3)!\). Hence in part c (at the top of page 120),
taking \(n\) equal to 2 suffices.
- Page 120, Theorem 4.27
- The statement of the theorem is supposed to allow
additionally the possibility that \(A=-\infty\).
- In the proof, two lines above the start of Case 1, the conditions
\(x,y\ge a\) and \(x,y\le a\) should be \(x,y\gt a\) and \(x,y\lt
a\) with strict inequalities, for the hypotheses of the theorem
give no
information about the value of the function \(g\) precisely
at the point \(a\).
- Page 121
- In line 5, the symbol \(t\) should be \(y\).
- Actually, there is a gap in the proof at lines
4–5. It could happen that there are distinct values of \(k\)
and \(n\) for which \(x_k=x_n\). In that case, the modified
equation (20) breaks down, for there is a zero in the
denominator. One needs to go back to the proof of the Sequential
Characterization of Limits and check that it suffices to consider
sequences of distinct points.
- Five lines after equation (22), the inequality
\(n\ge N_0\) should be \(n\gt N_0\) (with strict inequality), since \(c_{N_0,N_0}\) is
- It is interesting to note that the proof of Case 2 does not
use the hypothesis that \( \lim_{x \to a} f(x) =\infty\).
- Page 122
- Example 4.29 is actually of the form \( (-\infty)/\infty\), not
\(\infty/\infty\), so formally it is not covered by the statement
of Theorem 4.27. But of course one can factor out a minus sign.
- Page 123
- As written, the solution of Example 4.30 shows only that if the original limit
exists, then the value is \(e^3\). A rearrangement of the argument will
show that the limit does exist.
- Example 4.31 is misstated. The limit can only be a one-sided
limit as \(x\to 1{+}\), for the functions \( (\log x)^{1-x}\) and
\(\log \log x\) are not real functions when \(x\lt 1\).
- The answer to Exercise 4.4.0a in the back of the book says “false”, and this answer is correct, but only because \(x/\log x\) is not a real function when \(x\lt 0\).
- In Exercise 4.4.1b, the upper bound can be improved to \(1/(2n+2)!\) since \(P_{2n}=P_{2n+1}\).
- For Exercise 4.4.2c (on the next page), the answer in the back of the book has a misleading number of significant digits, since the method
gives a valid but usually unnecessarily large value of \(n\).
A more reasonable choice for \(n\) would be the round figure of 2000. A more sophisticated analysis shows that the sharp cutoff value for \(n\) is actually 1000.
- Page 124
- The inequality in Exercise 4.4.4 actually holds when \(x\) is an
arbitrary positive number, not just when \(0\lt x \lt\pi\), but the
proof of this generalization requires extra work.
- In Exercise 4.4.5d, notice that the limit exists as a two-sided limit.
- Exercise 4.4.5f is nonsense, for \( (\log x)^x\) is not a real
function when \(x\) is in the interval \( (0,1)\). A sensible
problem would be \( \lim_{x\to 0{+}} |\log x|^x\).
- In Exercise 4.4.6b, notice that the roles of the two functions get
- Page 125
- In Exercise 4.4.8, the conclusion remains true when \(n\) is
even, but the proof requires an extra step.
- In Exercise 4.4.9a, the constraint that \(0\lt\delta\le 1\) is
unnecessarily restrictive. The inequality holds when \(\delta \ge
0\), or even for all \(\delta\) if you replace \(\delta^3\) with
\(|\delta|^3\). Similarly, in part b, the upper bound on
\(\delta\) is not needed.
- In Exercise 4.4.10, the hint probably should be a statement
about derivatives: “\(g'(x)/f'(x) \to 0\) when \(f(x)/g(x)
\to \pm \infty\)”.
- Page 126
- In the first sentence, it is not that we may
suppose the existence of two points in the interval; rather, we
have supposed in the hypothesis of the theorem that the
interval is nondegenerate.
- In the last paragraph on the page, line 3, for “\(f\) is not
continuous” read “\(f^{-1}\) is not
- In the last paragraph on the page, there is of course a special case if
\(y_0\) happens to be an endpoint of the interval \(J\);
one of the directions of continuity is then vacuous.
- Page 127
- In the proof of Theorem 4.33, the two references to
Theorem 4.33 (at lines 1 and 5) should be to Theorem 4.32.
Harold P. Boas