Comments on Chapter 3

Page 7
In the first line of the proof of part (b), the symbol \(\gamma_2,0)\) should be \(n(\gamma_2,0)\).
Two lines after the conclusion of the proof of 3.2.4, insert a space following “Veech”.
Page 9
In the first line, a space is missing between the sentence-ending period and the word “Hence”.
Page 12
In Problem 6, \([0.2\pi]\) should be \([0,2\pi]\). Also, the real numbers \(a\) and \(b\) should be positive (not merely nonzero).
Page 13
In the first line of the last paragraph, delete the period preceding “by”; in the second line, \( (x,y.0)\) should be \((x,y,0)\).
In the penultimate sentence, \(\mathbb{C}\) should be \(\hat { \mathbb{C} }\).
Page 17
In the second line, \(S_n\) should be \(S_m\).
In the final paragraph, second line, \(\hat{\mathbb{C}}\) should be \(\hat{\mathbb{C}} \setminus \Omega\).
In the fourth line from the bottom of the page, capitalize “apply”.
Page 19
In the first displayed formula, delete “\(=0\)”.

Harold P. Boas