Comments on Chapter 4

Page 3
In the third line, two symbols are missing. The expression at the end of the line should be \( \{ z: |z-z_0|\gt r_1 \}\).
Page 5
There is an extra closing right-hand parenthesis at the end of the first formula.
Page 7
In item (b), the assumption “and \(n(\gamma,z)=0\) for every \(z\notin D(z_0,\rho)\)” is automatically satisfied by 3.4.4.
Page 9
In 4.2.4, line 3, insert a space following the comma.
Page 10
In the first line of 4.2.8, the hypothesis “neither \(f\) nor \(g\) identically equal to zero on any component of \(\Omega\)” is superfluous, in view of the strict inequality (1).
Three lines from the bottom of the page, notice that the pole set \(P(f)\) is empty (by hypothesis).
Page 11
In Figure 4.2.1, the point labeled “i” should be labeled “1”.
Page 12
In Figure 4.2.2, the label -5-21 should be -5-2i.
Page 16
In the first line of the proof of part (b), for \(n(f\circ\gamma)\) read \(n(f\circ\gamma,w)\).
In both displayed formulas in 4.3.3, the differential \(dw\) should be \(dz\).
Page 20
In 4.5.2, first display, middle term, the delimiters in the denominator are wrongly nested. The left-hand and right-hand square brackets in the denominator can be deleted.
Last paragraph preceding the Problems, line 3, read “linear fractional transformations” (plural).
Problem 1, the subject–verb agreement is wrong. The end of the sentence should read “are again linear fractional transformations.”
Page 21
Problem 5(g) has a spurious closing right-hand parenthesis following \(\text{Res}(f,z_0)\).
Page 23
In the third line of the three-line display, delete the spurious closing right-hand parenthesis in the denominator.
In Theorem 4.6.4, first line, capitalize “Then”.
Page 26
In the first line of 4.7.3, capitalize “Then”.
Page 32
In the first displayed formula in 4.8.1, there is a missing closing right-hand parenthesis in the integrand: \(\ln|f(Re^{it}|\) should be \(\ln|f(Re^{it})|.\)
Page 33
Four lines above 4.8.3, for “à priori” read “a priori”. (The term “a priori” is Latin, not French.)
Page 34
In the second displayed formula, the sum should run from \(n+1\) to \(m,\) not \(1\) to \(n.\) Similarly, in the line after the fourth displayed equation, the limits on the product should be \(n+1\) to \(m\) instead of \(1\) to \(n.\)
In the third displayed equation, the sum needs a factor of \(k_j\). [Contributed by Martijn de Vries, 2017.]
Three lines above 4.8.4, insert a closing right-hand parenthesis after the formula \(|a|\lt R\).
In the line preceding 4.8.4, insert a terminal period.
Page 35
Seven lines from the bottom of the page, the claim that \(P_z(-t)=P_z(t)\) is wrong: actually, \(P_z(-t) = P_{\bar z}(t)\). Nonetheless, the proof goes through with minor changes, for \(P_z(t)\) and \(P_{\bar z}(t)\) admit the same upper bound \(\dfrac{1+|z|}{1-|z|}\) at line 2 on page 36. [Contributed by Martijn de Vries, 2017.]
Page 36
In line 4, insert a closing right-hand parenthesis after “Problem 2”.
Four lines from the end of the proof, “uniformly in \(r\)” should say “uniformly in \(r\) in a bounded interval, say \((1,2)\)”.
Page 39
In the last line of the proof of Lemma 4.9.4, insert a closing right-hand parenthesis: \(f_{1}(D(0,r)\) should be \(f_{1}(D(0,r)).\)
Page 40
In the parenthetical remark preceding the third display, the subject and verb do not agree; replace “repetition of powers” with “repeated powers”.
Page 41
In 4.9.6, second paragraph, second line, insert a space after the word “chain”.
Page 42
At line 8, insert an opening left-hand parenthesis to make the formula read \( (g_j,E_j).\)
In Definition 4.9.9, line 5, for “\(a\le t\le t\)” read “\(a\le t\le b\)”.
Page 43
In the first proof, line 4, insert a less-than sign between the ellipsis dots and \(t_n.\)
Page 44
In the final paragraph, line 3, for “\(\gamma_{(}t_{n})\)” read “\(\gamma(t_{n})\)”.

Harold P. Boas