Harold P. Boas

Curriculum Vitae


  1. Irrational thoughts, Mathematics Magazine 93:1 (2020) 23–26.
  2. The oldest trig in the book, College Mathematics Journal 50:1 (2019) 9–20.
  3. Cauchy’s residue sore thumb, American Mathematical Monthly 125:1 (2018) 16–28.
  4. Mocposite functions, American Mathematical Monthly 123:5 (2016) 427–438.
  5. Julius and Julia: Mastering the art of the Schwarz lemma, American Mathematical Monthly 117:9 (2010) 770–785.
  6. Reflections on the arbelos, American Mathematical Monthly 113:3 (2006) 236–249.
  7. Majorant series, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 37:2 (2000) 321–337.
  8. Lu Qi-Keng’s problem, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society 37:2 (2000) 253–267.
  9. (with Dmitry Khavinson) Vita: Friedrich Wilhelm Wiener, Mathematical Intelligencer 22:2 (2000) 73–75.
  10. (with Emil J. Straube) Global regularity of the -Neumann problem: A survey of the L2-Sobolev theory, Several Complex Variables, edited by Michael Schneider and Yum-Tong Siu, MSRI Publications 37 (1999) 79–111, Cambridge University Press.
  11. (with Siqi Fu and Emil J. Straube) The Bergman kernel function: Explicit formulas and zeroes, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 127 (1999) 805–811.
  12. The football player and the infinite series, Notices of the American Mathematical Society 44:11 (1997) 1430–1435.
  13. (with Dmitry Khavinson) Bohr’s power series theorem in several variables, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 125:10 (1997) 2975–2979.
  14. The Lu Qi-Keng conjecture fails generically, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 124 (1996) 2021–2027.
  15. (with Emil J. Straube and Jiye Yu) Boundary limits of the Bergman kernel and metric, Michigan Mathematical Journal 42:3 (1995) 449–461.
  16. (with Emil J. Straube) De Rham cohomology of manifolds containing the points of infinite type, and Sobolev estimates for the -Neumann problem, Journal of Geometric Analysis 3:3 (1993) 225–235.
  17. (with Emil J. Straube) The Bergman projection on Hartogs domains in C2, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 331:2 (1992) 529–540.
  18. (with Emil J. Straube) On equality of line type and variety type of real hypersurfaces in Cn, Journal of Geometric Analysis 2:2 (1992) 95–98.
  19. (with Emil J. Straube) Sobolev estimates for the complex Green operator on a class of weakly pseudoconvex boundaries, Communications in Partial Differential Equations 16 (1991) 1573–1582.
  20. (with Emil J. Straube) Sobolev estimates for the -Neumann operator on domains in Cn admitting a defining function that is plurisubharmonic on the boundary, Mathematische Zeitschrift 206 (1991) 81–88.
  21. (with Emil J. Straube) Equivalence of regularity for the Bergman projection and the -Neumann operator, Manuscripta Mathematica 67 (1990) 25–33.
  22. (with Emil J. Straube) Complete Hartogs domains in C2 have regular Bergman and Szegő projections, Mathematische Zeitschrift 201 (1989) 441–454.
  23. (with So-Chin Chen and Emil J. Straube) Exact regularity of the Bergman and Szegő projections on domains with partially transverse symmetries, Manuscripta Mathematica 62 (1988) 467–475.
  24. Small sets of infinite type are benign for the -Neumann problem, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 103 (1988) 569–578.
  25. (with Emil J. Straube) Integral inequalities of Hardy and Poincaré type, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 103 (1988) 172–176.
  26. (with Ralph P. Boas) Short proofs of three theorems on harmonic functions, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 102 (1988) 906–908.
  27. The Szegő projection: Sobolev estimates in regular domains, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 300 (1987) 109–132.
  28. Extension of Kerzman’s theorem on differentiability of the Bergman kernel function, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 36 (1987) 495–499.
  29. Counterexample to the Lu Qi-Keng conjecture, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 97 (1986) 374–375.
  30. (with Mei-Chi Shaw) Sobolev estimates for the Lewy operator on weakly pseudo-convex boundaries, Mathematische Annalen 274 (1986) 221–231.
  31. Sobolev space projections in strictly pseudoconvex domains, Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 288 (1985) 227–240.
  32. Regularity of the Szegő projection in weakly pseudoconvex domains, Indiana University Mathematics Journal 34 (1985) 217–223.
  33. (with Steven R. Bell) Regularity of the Bergman projection and duality of holomorphic function spaces, Mathematische Annalen 267 (1984) 473–478.
  34. Holomorphic reproducing kernels in Reinhardt domains, Pacific Journal of Mathematics 112:2 (1984) 273–292.
  35. Spheres and cylinders: A local geometric characterization, Illinois Journal of Mathematics 28 (1984) 120–124.
  36. (with Steven R. Bell) Regularity of the Bergman projection in weakly pseudoconvex domains, Mathematische Annalen 257 (1981) 23–30.
  37. A geometric characterization of the ball and the Bochner–Martinelli kernel, Mathematische Annalen 248 (1980) 275–278.
  38. (with Eduardo Friedman) A simplification in certain contour integrals, American Mathematical Monthly 84 (1977) 467–468.