Curriculum Vitae
- Irrational thoughts, Mathematics Magazine
93:1 (2020) 23–26.
- The oldest trig
in the book, College Mathematics Journal 50:1 (2019)
- Cauchy’s
residue sore thumb, American Mathematical Monthly
125:1 (2018)
- Mocposite
functions, American Mathematical Monthly 123:5 (2016) 427–438.
- Julius and Julia: Mastering the art of the Schwarz lemma, American
Mathematical Monthly 117:9 (2010)
- Reflections on the
arbelos, American Mathematical Monthly 113:3 (2006)
- Majorant
series, Journal of the Korean Mathematical Society
37:2 (2000)
- Lu
Qi-Keng’s problem, Journal of the Korean
Mathematical Society 37:2 (2000)
- (with Dmitry Khavinson) Vita: Friedrich Wilhelm
Wiener, Mathematical Intelligencer 22:2
(2000) 73–75.
- (with Emil J. Straube) Global regularity of the ∂-Neumann problem: A
survey of the L2-Sobolev theory, Several Complex Variables, edited by
Michael Schneider and Yum-Tong Siu, MSRI Publications 37 (1999) 79–111,
Cambridge University Press.
- (with Siqi Fu and Emil J. Straube) The Bergman kernel function: Explicit
formulas and zeroes, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 127
(1999) 805–811.
- The football player and the infinite series, Notices of the American
Mathematical Society 44:11 (1997)
- (with Dmitry Khavinson) Bohr’s power series theorem in several variables,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 125:10 (1997) 2975–2979.
- The Lu Qi-Keng conjecture fails generically, Proceedings of the American
Mathematical Society 124 (1996) 2021–2027.
- (with Emil J. Straube and Jiye Yu) Boundary limits
of the Bergman kernel and metric, Michigan Mathematical
Journal 42:3 (1995) 449–461.
- (with Emil J. Straube) De Rham cohomology of manifolds containing the
points of infinite type, and Sobolev estimates for the ∂-Neumann problem,
Journal of Geometric Analysis 3:3 (1993)
- (with Emil J. Straube) The Bergman projection on Hartogs domains in C2,
Transactions of the American Mathematical Society 331:2 (1992) 529–540.
- (with Emil J. Straube) On equality of line type and variety type of real
hypersurfaces in Cn, Journal of Geometric
Analysis 2:2 (1992) 95–98.
- (with Emil J. Straube) Sobolev estimates for the complex Green operator
on a class of weakly pseudoconvex boundaries, Communications in Partial
Differential Equations 16 (1991) 1573–1582.
- (with Emil J. Straube) Sobolev estimates for the ∂-Neumann operator on
domains in Cn admitting a defining function that is plurisubharmonic on the
boundary, Mathematische Zeitschrift 206 (1991)
- (with Emil J. Straube) Equivalence of regularity for the Bergman projection
and the ∂-Neumann operator, Manuscripta Mathematica 67
(1990) 25–33.
- (with Emil J. Straube) Complete Hartogs domains in C2 have regular Bergman
and Szegő projections, Mathematische Zeitschrift 201 (1989)
- (with So-Chin Chen and Emil J. Straube) Exact regularity of the
Bergman and Szegő projections on domains with partially transverse symmetries,
Manuscripta Mathematica 62 (1988) 467–475.
- Small sets of infinite type are benign for the ∂-Neumann problem, Proceedings
of the American Mathematical Society 103 (1988)
- (with Emil J. Straube) Integral inequalities of Hardy and Poincaré type,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 103
(1988) 172–176.
- (with Ralph P. Boas) Short proofs of three theorems on harmonic functions,
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society 102 (1988)
- The Szegő projection: Sobolev estimates in regular domains, Transactions of
the American Mathematical Society 300 (1987)
- Extension of Kerzman’s theorem on differentiability of the Bergman kernel
function, Indiana University Mathematics Journal
36 (1987) 495–499.
- Counterexample to the Lu Qi-Keng conjecture, Proceedings of the American
Mathematical Society 97 (1986) 374–375.
- (with Mei-Chi Shaw) Sobolev estimates for the Lewy operator on weakly
pseudo-convex boundaries, Mathematische Annalen
274 (1986) 221–231.
- Sobolev space projections in strictly pseudoconvex domains, Transactions of
the American Mathematical Society 288 (1985) 227–240.
- Regularity of the Szegő projection in weakly pseudoconvex domains, Indiana
University Mathematics Journal 34 (1985) 217–223.
- (with Steven R. Bell) Regularity of the Bergman projection and duality of
holomorphic function spaces, Mathematische Annalen 267 (1984)
- Holomorphic reproducing kernels in Reinhardt domains, Pacific Journal of
Mathematics 112:2 (1984) 273–292.
- Spheres and cylinders: A local geometric characterization, Illinois Journal of
Mathematics 28 (1984) 120–124.
- (with Steven R. Bell) Regularity of the Bergman projection in weakly
pseudoconvex domains, Mathematische Annalen 257 (1981)
- A geometric characterization of the ball and the Bochner–Martinelli kernel,
Mathematische Annalen 248 (1980) 275–278.
- (with Eduardo Friedman) A simplification in certain contour integrals,
American Mathematical Monthly 84 (1977) 467–468.